Fragrance Lamps - Top 5 Reasons To Use These Over Candles
By Bill Quinn
1) Safety - No Open Flame
Everyone has heard a story about a candle left burning causing considerable damage. Except for initial start up, fragrance lamps do not have an open flame. During the start up process, a flame is used to heat the stone. The flame is required for about 5-7 minutes. After that, the catalytic process of the lamp causes the fragrance oil to be drawn up the wick and then distributed.
2) Safety - Lower Operating Temperature
The temperature of the stone on an active fragrance lamp is about 500 degrees which is 1/3 the 1,500 degrees for the flame on a candle. The decorative cap on the fragrance lamp will have a temperature of about 130 degrees. The cap shields the stone from touch.
3) Fragrance Treatment instead of cover up
The catalytic process actually destroys the odor molecules rather than simply masking the odor. After the odor molecule is destroyed, the effusion process takes over and the pleasant fragrance remains. The throw of the fragrance lamp is considerably larger than throw of a candle. Stated another way, a fragrance lamp will cause the fragrance to be distributed over a larger area than a candle.
4) Fragrance Strength
The unique benefits of fragrance lamps is that you can mix the fragrance oil to meet your liking. If the fragrance is too strong, you can dilute the fragrance with a diluting oil. In fact, if you want to simply destroy odors, you can use the diluting fuel at full strength which will leave the room with a fresh smell but no distinguishable scent.
5) No Soot or Residue Fragrance Delivery
Fragrance lamps do not emit any residue. A few of the fragrance fuels will cause a white steam. This is not residue or soot such as you might receive from burning candles.
Bill Quinn is a fragrance lamp expert with
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Fragrance Lamps - Top 5 Reasons To Use These Over Candles
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