Does Ralph Lauren Wear His Own Perfume?
Submitted By: Lisa Horntip
I bet the odds are that Ralph Lauren does not wear anything from his own range of fragrances. Why? Some scents are more suitable for women than they are for men. Menthol, saddle leather and cigar smoke are usually smells associated with masculinity. Did you ever try your Dad’s aftershave as a little girl? Bet it made you sick! The body chemistry between the sexes basically determines what kind of scent smells best.
Some Specifics
Ralph Lauren is the same name that is behind all the high priced, designer label clothes. Ralph was not content knocking out overpriced colored jeans. He needed a way to get inside women’s pant, or rather pockets, where the credit cards were hiding!
Ralph Lauren’s range of perfumes are available in a variety of fragrances because the world is full of a wide variety of women. You could never encompass all the moods, emotions and situations a woman could find herself in with just one perfume scent. Ralph has attempted to capture all these moods in his vast range with fragrance like Glamorous, Glamorous Daylight, Lauren, Romance, Polo Sport, Turquoise, Cool, Ralph Rocks, Hot and Safari. Notice how there seems to be something for everyone, something to suit your every mood and own personal body chemistry.
Getting Your Hands On Ralph Lauren
Ralph’s range of perfumes seems to be available everywhere from your high end cosmetic shop to bargain basement shops and Wal-Mart. It’s also available from many websites. The only problem with buying online is that until they invent smell-internet you can’t try out the perfumes. Best thing to do is browse your department stores and try out the testers. Once you find something you like and have beaten off the high pressure sales girls and grappled with a few gay cosmetic sales assistants (you know which one I mean), rush home and make your purchase online. You can save yourself a tidy sum by shopping this way.
Getting A Good Deal Online
Ralph Lauren perfume is usually expensive but that’s the price you are going to have to pay for a designer perfume. We have found that the cheapest place is usually eBay. Before making your purchase checkout the seller and see what feedback they have. Make sure other purchasers rate them well and they are selling legitimate Ralph Lauren. As with most designer products there are a lot of rip off copies around.
Always try to make your purchase with Paypal. That way if you find yourself unhappy with the product you have some kind of protection and can get your money reimbursed. Also pay attention to the shipping costs. It’s not uncommon for some sellers to be overseas and whilst the perfume may be cheaply priced you can get stung on the amount you will pay in shipping.
Does Ralph Lauren Wear His Own Perfume?
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